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WPCA Regular Meeting 11-5-03

MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 1
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 NOVEMBER 5, 2003                        

Members present:     Joseph Carino, Chairman, Tim Moriarty, Cliff Slicer,
                                    Ed Havens, Jr.

Members absent:         Richard Aries, Carol Fletterick, Robert Dickinson,Michael Gauthier (Alternate), Jefferson Streeter(Alternate)
Staff present:             Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control

Chairman Carino was unable to open the meeting at 7:30 due to the fact there was not a quorum present.  A call was placed to Mr. Slicer and he stated he would arrive shortly.

While waiting for Mr. Slicer to arrive Mr. Shaw suggested moving to the Communications and Reports portion of the agenda.


Mr. Shaw reported agreements were signed with two engineering firms Weston & Sampson and Woodard & Curran to do the upgrading of the submersible pump stations.  This project is now in the design phase and is expected to be finished soon. It is expected the project will go out to bid in early March, with an early April date for receipt of bids.  The pump stations do not have to be upgraded as far as capacity is concerned.  The upgrades are necessary due to the age of the pump stations.  A bypass system will be installed in the event a problem should arise at any one of the pump stations.  

Also, at the last meeting the extension of utilities into the I-291 corridor was discussed.  The Town is dealing with the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) at the state level.  A grant has been obtained from this agency and the Town is in the process of providing them with the information needed to release the funds.  The Town has also been notified that an environmental assessment will be required within the 22- acre site.  The engineering firm BL Companies has been selected for this project.  They will be responsible for the design work for the water, sewer and storm drainage systems.  Town staff hopes to meet with the DECD later this year to get some feedback from this agency and have them explain more fully where we are in this process.

The Pollution Control Department is monitoring a local company concerning a high level of hydrocarbons that are being discharged into the sewer.  They have been directed to obtain the services of a qualified engineer to design improvements to eliminate and avoid this problem in the future.  We are also working with the State to find a solution to this problem.  Chairman Carino asked how this problem was discovered.  Mr. Shaw explained that oil was showing up at the treatment plant, and was traced back the company.  A sample was taken from their lateral and analyzed.  This sample was shown to be the source of the problem.  Mr. Shaw will keep the Authority informed as to the outcome of this matter.  


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 2
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 NOVEMBER 5, 2003                        

Mr. Shaw was asked at a previous meeting to provide the Authority with the number of residential connections to the sewer system that were new homes.  Approximately 56% of the new connections were attributed to new houses.  The balance was from existing houses that previously were hooked up to a septic system.  

Chairman Carino stated he was disappointed more members were in attendance at  tonight’s meeting.  He went on to say that with 7 members and 2 alternates it was unfortunate a quorum was not in attendance.  Every year the meeting in November is moved to the first Wednesday of the month due to the elections being held on the first Tuesday of the month.  Last month it was mentioned that the meeting for November would be held on Wednesday and no one had a problem with the schedule change.

It was decided to start the discussion of the New Business portion of the agenda at this time and when Mr. Slicer arrived the meeting would be called to order and any questions regarding the projects could be answered and a motion would be made at that time.

Mr. Shaw gave a brief description of the Smith’s Corner application.  It is a 3-unit apartment that is to be located at the corner of Smith Street and Wheeler Road.  The owner of the property, Walter Kebalo, was present to explain the project and answer any questions from the members.  Mr. Kebalo was previously before the WPCA seeking approval for a Senior Housing Development known as Wheeler Estates which is located next to this property.

Mr. Slicer arrived.  Chairman Carino stopped the discussion to open the meeting at this time.


Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 8:27.

Motion was made to proceed to Item C1 of the New Business portion of the agenda.
        Motion was made by Mr. Havens
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously


SMITH’S CORNER – 178 SMITH STREET – Approval to Connect

This property represents 6 additional building lots next to the Wheeler Estates Senior Residence Development.  Two of the lots have existing structures on them, the third lot was developed and sold, there are  three remaining lots numbers 2, 4, and 6.   On lot #6 Mr. Kebalo has applied for a special exemption for a Senior Residence Development.  The SRD that is being proposed is a 3-unit apartment.  The Wheeler Estates development has an 8” sewer line which goes to the last manhole on the system.

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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 NOVEMBER 5, 2003                        


A 6” stub has already been installed for the property.  Mr. Kebalo is seeking approval to continue the 6” pipe to the building and provide 3 connections one to each of the proposed apartments.  Clean-outs would be provided outside the building making it unnecessary to enter any of the units in the event of a blockage.  Mr. Shaw stated the Town staff and Engineering Department have looked at the plans and are satisfied the pipe is of the correct size and the slope is adequate to serve this project. This project will be under common ownership, with only 3 units in the project it would be cost prohibitive for the owner to go to the expense of creating an association and selling the units individually.  There is a possibility at some point in the future this property could become a condo, but at this time the property will remain a rental property.  Chairman Carino’s concern is that at some future time these units could be sold as condominiums.  He stated any motion should state that if and when these units become individually owned easements be required between the property owners for the common pipe.
Motion was made to approve the connection of a 3-unit SRD to the Town’s sewerage system by KF Realty, LLC for property located at Smith Street and Wheeler Road, South Windsor, CT, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Smith’s Corner, Senior Resident Development”, prepared by Robert P. Schlechinger, Jr., Collinsville, CT, as shown on Drawing #S-2, dated 2-20-03, with revision dated 9-18-03 and subject to the following conditions:  Town’s review and approval of easements and satisfactory maintenance agreements in case of any future subdivision and/or change in use of property, and subject to the final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Moriarty
        Seconded by Mr. Slicer
        The motion carried unanimously

MANNARINO BUILDERS –  2 lots, Chapel Road – Approval to connect

This application is for a two-lot subdivision located on Chapel Road.  Mr. Ursiri from J.R. Russo Associates was present on behalf of Mannarino Brothers.  This property is located on the south side of Chapel Road just east of Long Hill Road.  It is a remnant parcel that was created when I-291 was constructed just to the south.  The property is approximately 4 acres in size, and has been approved for a 2-lot re-subdivision. Lot A is fronts on Chapel Road, and lot B is an interior lot.  The existing sewer on Chapel Road runs cross-country, through a portion of Lot A, to the south, then westerly along the south side of the property and comes out on Long Hill Road.  An easement has been obtained for the cross-country line.  Two connections are being proposed for the project, the first for Lot A will be to an existing lateral which was installed when the mainline was originally constructed.  The second would be a connection to the mainline located in the I-291 right of way, just south of the parcel for Lot b.  There will be 6” pipes installed with clean-outs located every 100 feet.  The connection in the south will be made with a chimney into the main line.  Mr. Havens asked what a chimney was and how it would


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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 NOVEMBER 5, 2003                        


work.  Mr. Ursiri explained it will be necessary to core-bore through the main pipe and install another  pipe would be installed at the top of the main line to the lateral which will connect to the house.
Motion was made to approve the application of Mannarino Builders, Inc. for connection of a 2-lot subdivision located on Chapel Road, as more specifically shown on Drawing No. 3, entitled “Special Exception Use/Interior Lot, Resubdivision/Plot Plan” by J. R. Russo & Associates, East Windsor, CT, Job No 2003-008, dated 8-6-03, with revisions dated 9-26-03, 10-3-03, 10-13-03, 10-22-03 and subject to the following conditions final technical from the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Havens
        Seconded by Mr. Moriarty
        The motion carried unanimously

LOT 6 & 7 SANDRA DRIVE  - Change Order

This project involves a change in the approval previously given by the WPCA for a  commercial building located on Sandra Drive.  The applicant is requesting a change in the location of the connection of the sewer line to the building. Timothy Kuhen from J.R. Russo, Inc. along with Mr. Charbonneau was present to explain the change order that is being requested for this project.  The original approval included a sewer connection to a 10” sanitary sewer line down Sandra Drive, with some existing laterals.  The plan was to install the connections on the outside of the building in the parking area.  At this time the engineer is requesting a 6” collection plate be installed inside the building instead of an installation on the outside as previously approved.  The change is being requested because the building may be subdivided for a number of different tenants and it will be easier and more cost effective to do the necessary connections within the building as opposed to having to dig up the parking area. Mr. Shaw explained to the Authority the Chief Building Inspector has inspected this project and has found it to be adequate for this type of connection.  The building code requirements have been satisfied and the pipe is of adequate size.  The chief building inspection has required a minimum of 5 clean-outs for this project, these clean-outs have been installed.
Motion was made to approve the Change Order for a single line connection to the building located on  Lot 6 & 7 Sandra Drive as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Topographic Plan for Lot 6 & 7 Sandra Drive”, prepared by J. R. Russo & Associates, East Windsor, CT, Drawing No. 3, Job No. 2002-024, dated 6-19-02, with revisions dated 6-18-02, 8-12-02, 9-18-02, 1-21-03, 3-7-03, 7-28-03, 8-28-03, 10-21-03 and subject to the final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.
        Motion was made by Mr. Slicer
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 5
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 NOVEMBER 5, 2003                        


601B Sullivan Avenue – Commercial Building – Approval to Connect

Galen Semprebon of Design Professionals, Inc. was present on behalf of the applicant for a commercial business located at 601-B Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, CT.   The applicant is interested in leasing out the space at this address to open a bakery.  This is a commercial building and apparently has been connected to the sewer for some time. No  permit was located and sewer user charges have not been collected from the property owner. The property owner will be required to hire an engineer to locate the pipe and verify the size, location and material used for this connection.  It is suspected the sewer line may have been connected illegally to the line serving the residence located next door.  There is no manhole on the property and this is a requirement in a commercial zone.  The property owner is interested in leasing this property for a bakery. The owners of the bakery would like to open in advance of the upcoming holiday season.  The owner has requested a postponement from the commercial requirement of installing a manhole.  Chairman Carino stated at this point it is not known if the property is in fact hooked up to the sewer system and if it is it most likely is an illegal connection.  The discussion continued regarding the placement of the sewer line and the possible connection between the house and commercial building.  Mr. Shaw stated the owner would be required to install a monitoring manhole in the right of way and also a water meter must be installed to measure usage.  The property owner will be required to have an engineering firm locate the sewer pipe and the connection.  It is also the responsibility of the owner to pay past sewer fees once they have been assessed.  Chairman Carino stated this project could be granted conditional approval to allow the bakeshop to start up the business.  
Motion was made to grant conditional approval for property located at 601B Sullivan Avenue as more specifically shown on plans entitled “Topographic Plan – Aunti Dawn’s Bake Shoppe, LLC”, prepared by Design Professionals, Inc., Job No. 1858, Drawing No(s). 3, dated 10-16-03 with no revisions and subject to the following conditions:
Conditional approval for 35 days from the date of this meeting, is given
under the assumption the existing sewer pipe is the proper size, proper material, and sloped connected to the building sewer or sewer line in the street meets the requirements of the Town Building Department.
A water meter is installed immediately to allow the business to proceed with opening.
A monitoring manhole is required in the right of way.
Past sewer fees to be assessed and paid by property owner.
Technical approval of the Town Engineering Department
will be given once the sewer line has been located and inspected by the Town staff, and found to meet all Town requirements.
Motion was made by Mr. Moriarty
Seconded by Mr. Slicer
The motion carried unanimously


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REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 NOVEMBER 5, 2003                        


Motion was made to move to the acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting,


By general consensus the Authority reviewed the minutes and requested the following changes be made:  Page 4 – under South Windsor Technology Center , first paragraph, last sentence to be changed as follows, “The changes requested by the Town have been made by the engineering firm.”  In the second paragraph it was requested that the initials ACOE be spelled out, it should read  “Army Core of Engineers”.  In the same paragraph it was requested the have a period after “approvals” on line 8 and a new sentence begin with “At that time….”   On page 6, on the 10th line a period will be placed after “draft agreement” and an new sentence to read “On page one the first change is to the property location on the west side of Ellington Road.”  Also on page 6 the name of DECD and SEPA will be spelled out.  The DECD is the Department of Economic and Community Development and CEPA is Connecticut Environmental Policy Act.
Motion was made to approve the minutes of October 7, 2003 as amended.
        Motion was made by Mr. Slicer
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously

The general consensus was to return to Item C5 of the New Business portion of the agenda.


TERRA TECHNOLOGIES GROUP – Chapel Road Group – Approval to assess Lots 1, 2, and 3 and waive the right to a Public Hearing

Mr. Shaw distributed a copy of the sewer assessment charges (Exhibit A) and a letter (Exhibit B) from the developer waiving his right to a Public Hearing.  This will allow the WPCA to approve the billing of the sewer assessment and have this information forwarded to the Tax Collector.  
Motion was made to approve the assessment for Terra Technologies Group and the waiver of the public hearing by the developer, and direct the Tax Collector to proceed with the billing process.
        Motion was made by Mr. Slicer
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 7
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                 NOVEMBER 5, 2003                        

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda) – None



Before the meeting was adjourned Chairman Carino took a moment to congratulate Mr. Slicer who won election to the Planning & Zoning Commission.  He also expressed his appreciation for all that Mr. Slicer has done and wished him well in the future.  Mr. Moriarty also congratulated Mr. Slicer and thanked him for sharing his knowledge.


Motion to adjourn was made at 9:15
        Motion was made by Mr. Slicer
        Seconded by Mr. Moriarty
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Dumas
Recording Secretary

Date Approved:_________________________________